Methodology of organizational diagnostics
Standard Business Process Frameworks
Our organizational diagnostics methodology is based on using standard frameworks of business processes developed by Ultimate Business Technologies in cooperation with independent management consultants. The frameworks contain sets of possible types of activities and functions of a company.

The most appropriate framework for the company on test should be selected when starting the testing. Currently, the BIZDIAGNOSTICS system contains the following standard frameworks of business processes:

Manufacturing An industrial business manufacturing products on a large or small scale using a specific production method pdf
Services A company providing one or several types of services (e.g. a medical company, a shipping company, a communication services provider, etc.) pdf
Project-related activities A company involved in project activities relating to product manufacturing or service provision pdf
Bank A full-service bank pdf
Holding company A holding company managing (establishing, promoting and selling) several subsidiary companies pdf
When configuring the BIZDIAGNOSTICS system for your company, the selected framework allows you to remove those business processes you definitely do not have. This will help you reduce the survey time and obtain better marks.

If the activity of your company falls under several standard business frameworks, you should carry out diagnosis using each framework separately, disabling previously diagnosed processes in the second, third, etc. framework.

Please send your requests for the extension of the list of standard frameworks to: We will do our best to quickly meet your requests.
Methods of Evaluation and Comparison
BIZDIAGNOSTICS uses statistical methods of filtering the results obtained from completed questionnaires. This helps to prevent the effects of biased marks. In order for your company to obtain truly good or poor marks for the effectiveness of business processes, BIZDIAGNOSTICS needs the opinion of the majority of employees participating in the survey. However, consider that the mark received by a top level business process is determined by the mark of its weakest subprocess, as the weakest subprocess significantly affects the final result of the entire business process.

The benchmarking procedure is configured so as to make impossible a comparison between a big company using a framework of business processes in its entirety and a small company using for diagnostics a limited list of business processes.
BIZDIAGNOSTICS organizational diagnostics system
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